Effective Faculty Professional Development for Technology Integration: Best Practices and Strategies

Integrating technology in teaching significantly boosts educational outcomes, facilitated by effective faculty development.

  • Mentoring and Training: Faculty mentoring programs significantly improve the adoption of technology in teaching, enhancing educational quality.
  • TPACK Framework: Professional development centered around the TPACK framework aligns teaching methods with technological capabilities, optimizing digital tool use in classrooms.
  • Continuous Support: Ongoing online platforms and professional collaborations support educators in maintaining and advancing their technology integration skills.


Integrating technology into teaching practices is not just about adopting new tools; it is a transformative journey that can significantly enhance educational experiences and improve learning outcomes. Effective faculty professional development is pivotal in preparing educators to embark on this transformative journey. Research demonstrates that various forms of professional development can provide the necessary support for faculty in this endeavor. By focusing on teacher training, tech integration, and innovative education strategies, educators can elevate student engagement and learning to new heights.



Effective Forms of Professional Development


Faculty Technology Mentoring Programs:

Evrim Baran's (2016) study explored implementing a faculty technology mentoring (FTM) program as a university-wide professional development model. The study's findings were clear: mentoring relationships, where faculty members mentor graduate students, can significantly enhance technology adoption in teaching practices. This underscores the effectiveness of faculty mentoring and technology integration in improving education. The study identified critical strategies, including needs assessment, technology exploration, scaffolding, feedback sharing, pedagogy and content integration, and evaluation, all of which contribute to a robust professional development model (Baran,2016).


TPACK-Based Professional Development:

Hicham Fatmi and Ahmed Chouari (2019) conceptualized a multi-dimensional teacher professional development model focusing on technology integration based on the TPACK framework. This model highlights the value of understanding and addressing teachers' pedagogical preferences about technology to enhance the effectiveness of digital tools in the classroom (Fatmi& Chouari, 2019).


Online Support Platforms and Professional Collaboration:

The model proposed by Fatmi and Chouari also highlights the use of online discussion and support platforms to ensure the sustainability of training, as well as on-site professional collaboration and partnership. These elements provide teachers with continuous learning opportunities and a community for sharing experiences and best practices in technology integration (Fatmi& Chouari, 2019).


Professional Development Focused on Quality Online Teaching:

Jennifer Alexiou-Ray and colleagues(2015)discussed the need for professional development that focuses on approaches for effective technology use that support content-specific best practices and improve student learning in both traditional and online formats. The study underscores the necessity of meaningful technology integration and developing content-specific practices for asynchronous learning environments (Alexiou-Rayet al., 2015).



Effective faculty professional development for technology integration encompasses a range of strategies, including mentoring programs, TPACK-based models, online support platforms, and quality online teaching. These strategies underscore the importance of personalized, ongoing support and collaboration, creating a sense of community among educators. By embracing these strategies, higher education institutions can build an environment that encourages innovative teaching practices and enhances student learning outcomes.



Baran, E. (2016). Investigating faculty technology mentoring as a university-wide professional development model. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 28(1), 45-71. 

Fatmi, H., & Chouari, A. (2019). A Model for Professional Development in Technology Integration. In Technology-Assisted ESL Acquisition and Development for Nontraditional Learners

Alexiou-Ray, J., Bentley, C., & Ray, J. (2015). Faculty professional development for quality online teaching. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 18(2). 


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